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Prehospital Sepsis Care Research Update, 2023


Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 2:00pm ET - 3:00pm ET
This event has ended.



The profound impact and implications of several recently published papers have reshaped our understanding of prehospital alerts, antibiotics, and fluid administration. Drawing from this cutting-edge research and innovative methodologies, attendees will explore the transformative effects of prehospital alerts on emergency medical services (EMS) and the subsequent improvements in patient outcomes. The intricacies of alerts, clinical decision-making, and resource allocation will be highlighted, in addition to the importance of accurate and timely information in prehospital care. Antibiotic administration in prehospital settings, the latest evidence on fluid administration, and the potential benefits, risks, and controversies of this crucial intervention will also be examined. By synthesizing these recent updates, this presentation aims to equip healthcare professionals with invaluable insights to enhance prehospital practices and ultimately improve patient survival rates and outcomes.


Rommie L. Duckworth, MPA, LP, EFO, FO

Credits Offered

This event offers 1.2 CE credits to attendees.
Accreditation Info: California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP17068.